Complaints and Violations

The board would like you to follow this process when it comes to complaints. Below is the protocol for how the board processes complaints.

Below, you will find a list of complaints and violations that you can submit to the board and management. The board and management take complaints and violations seriously. Please click on the one that fits your situation. Upon clicking, there will be some things to consider and tips on how to approach your specific complaint. If you submit a form, you should see a thank-you message. If the thank-you message does not appear, please ensure that you hit the submit button. If something is not working, please email the board directly to inform them so that they can correct any issues with the website.

Once your form is received, Management and the Board will take the following steps:

  • The appropriate party will review the complaint or violation.
  • Within 3 business days, you should receive a message confirming that we have received your form and are beginning to process it.
  • An investigation will commence, and Management or the Board may reach out for additional information or evidence.
  • The appropriate party will review and attach any evidence that was submitted.
  • If deemed appropriate, a warning will be issued.
  • If the violation continues, appropriate fines will be administered.
Noise Complaint
Report Abandoned Vehicle
Nuisance Complaint
Unsightliness Complaint
Obstruction Complaint
Report Commercial Activity
Sign Complaint
Parking Complaint
Report Illegal Activity
Pet Complaint
Complaint Against Management

Fees for Violations of Rules. The Board of Directors has the authority to fine owners for residents’ and guests’ failure to follow the rules. All unpaid fines are subject to a Lien on one’s property. Fines will be assessed by the Board of Directors or Management Company, after they determine that the Owner, their renters, or guests have violated the rules. The Board can reassess a fine by repeating the grievance procedure until the Unit Owner resolves the original problem. Fines double after each reassessment. For example, a Unit Owner is fined $50 for a violation- if the violation is unresolved the second fine is $100, plus the original $50 fine. A third fine would be $200, plus the $100 fine and the original $50 fine. The fine will continue to double until the violation has been resolved. Owners can file a Grievance if they feel they were unfairly fined.

Fine amounts and fineable issues are subject to change. The Association will be notified of any changes made to the fine amounts. The Board of Directors has the right to determine if an Owner or Renter will lose access to East Bluff Condominiums amenities for a set period of time, due to violations. Violators of the rules may lose the privilege to use the pool, sauna and fitness center. Owners will be notified of their violation via written notice.

  • Animals. $200 will be fined for each pet in violation of the Rules and Regulations, including being outside of the restricted area without being leashed and/or failure to pick up pet waste.
  • Over Occupancy. $200 for each person occupying a Unit in violation of the Rules and Regulations, whether Owner occupied or Non-Owner occupied. Provided however, that families that currently have 3 children or have a third child born or adopted during their occupancy, shall have 24 months from the later of the date of adoption of this rule, or the arrival of the third child, to bring their Unit into compliance, and further provided that no lease to an over occupying tenant shall be renewed or extended.
  • Rental Violations:

    Residents Not on Lease. $150 per person for each person occupying a leased unit while not a tenant of that Unit, as listed on the records of the Association.

    Failure to Provide Required Lease Documents to Association. $100 for every seven (7) days that a Unit is leased without providing a copy of the lease or memorandum and/or tenant registration form to the Association as required by these Rules and Regulations.
  • Nuisance and Other Rule Violations. $125 for each day of a nuisance. Fines for Other Rule Violations are $50 per violation.
  • Illegal Activity. $500 per conviction of any resident or guest of the residence, for any municipal ordnance violation, misdemeanor, or felony, occurring on a Unit or Common Area of the Association.